I remember it like it was just
yesterday…I was walking down the street to the subway in Manhattan spitting a
16 to CJ, I had dreams of being a rapper someday. But, he never got to hear the
rest because I got distracted by this girl who bumped into me. She seemed like
she was in a rush running down the steps to catch the Q train to Flatbush. On
the way she seemed to have dropped something that looked like a notebook. So, I
picked it up and I ain’t really wanna look through it so I read the cover, it
read: Nic Maraj. I was guessing that
was her name. I then tried running after her. I looked around the platform and
saw her rushing onto the train, so I darted in there after her. I looked around
and there wasn’t a seat in sight. Good thing the next stop she didn’t get off I
looked around the subway and found her, I stood in front of her and she looked
up at me with the rudest expression on her face. Then she spoke:
do you want?” She said looking up at me then looking back down.
dropped something outside…” I replied, she started going through all her stuff
searching for what I had.
it back.” She simply stated in a tone neither nice nor rude.
be nice to someone who had something of yours that’s been nothing but nice to
don’t even know you…so give me my book back and we can get on with our lives” I
didn’t want this to be the last time I saw her so the train stopped at the next
stop, I slipped her my number and ran off just in time for the door to close. I
called up CJ and let him know what just went down, I left him in Manhattan and
I was now one stop before Flatbush. I hopped right back on the Manhattan bound
train to get him.
I remember getting a call as soon as
I got home so I figured this little book was important, I still hadn’t opened
it yet. Our conversation was pretty straight forward:
“It’s the girl from the train, I need my
book and I’d like it ASAP please”
“Can I get your name first”
“My name is Onika but everyone calls me
Nicki, anything else?”
“Well, my name is Aubrey but I go by
Drake, thanks for asking.”
“Isn’t that a girl’s name…?”
“No, it’s unisex thank you. But here’s
how you’ll get your book back”
“Black mail? Oh wow, what are we 14?”
“Why are you so angry, what’s so
important about this book?”
“If you MUST know Aubrey, it’s my raps”
“You write and rap? Wow, so do I. We’ve
got something in common”
We were in silence for quite a while
when she spoke again...
“So…what do you want from me? A quick
hit? Cause I’m not like that. Money? Don’t have much of that”
“It’s not even like that…I wanna get to
you know, know you better…”
“For what, I’m nothing special at all
really, my life is in shambles, it’s always been in shambles”
“Can we…can we just talk? Hang out
somewhere? Then I’ll give you your book back”
“Fine…times, place, when and where?”
“…I don’t know, we can go to wherever
you’d feel most comfortable”
“Do you like west Indian foods…?”
“If you do, I do. We’ll meet on the
subway at the stop?”
“It’s a spot I go to in Queens, just get
off the train at the stop I’ll be outside”
“When are we doing this?”
“Tomorrow…I don’t have to work so we’ll
do it tomorrow”
“So…we walking to this place?”
“No, I have a car we’ll take. See you
then Aubrey.” *click*
I called her back, she hadn’t told me the time and she
called me Aubrey, I figured on purpose.
“Yes, Drake?” – I guess not.
“You didn’t say a time…”
“7:00 get on the subway to Queens, be
outside around 8”
I was looking forward to seeing
her…she seemed like my ideal type of girl…I don’t know how that was possible
without me even knowing her yet. But I wanted to get to know her and keep
getting to know her…
The Next
I got off the subway and walked up
the steps with her book in hand. I hadn’t read it yet, I was holding off. I’d
get her to show me what was in the book tonight. Surprisingly, she greeted me
as I walked over to her car.
in” she said…so maybe it wasn’t the warmest greeting but at least she spoke.
to you too” I replied looking over at her. She had on bamboo earrings and black
straight hair with a snap back on. She was wearing a tight fitted t-shirt and I
couldn’t help but direct my attention to her plump…breast. I worked my eyes
down to her ripped blue jeans then to her air maxes on her feet. When I looked
up she was staring at me.
are you looking at…?” She started laughing, the cutest laugh I’ve ever
heard…she seemed to be warming up.
gorgeous…” I said looking into her eyes, which soon pulled me into a stare.
thank you” She said smiling and starting the car up…
should get going?” she said driving off.
Once we arrived at the food place we
went inside and ordered, we had to wait about 10mins for everything to get
prepared then we took it to her house in the South-Side of Queens.
Nicki flicked on the lights of a
very tiny apartment fit for just her, paintings scattered around, A.C. blasting
she kicked off her shoes and threw her keys on the table. I wasn’t expecting to
come to her house but I didn’t complain. She went back into what I guess was
her room for a second and came out changed. She had her hair up in a ponytail
and pajama pants along with a white t shirt, she didn’t seem to be wearing a
bra because I could see her…never mind. She plopped down on the couch I had sat
on next to me and grabbed her food and dug in. So I did the same. The girl
could eat! She was beginning to be more and more perfect…
She finished eating and ran to grab
a napkin she handed me one wiped her mouth and put her leftovers in her fridge.
exactly do you wanna talk about?”
just wanna get to know you better…I don’t have very many female friends and I
like something about you…” I started the conversation and we sat there and
talked about each other for hours. I almost forgot I actually came to give her
the book.
talk about this” I said pulling the book out of this bag I was carrying.
“Geez, what about it?” She asked.
in it?” I asked. She just shrugged her shoulders.
my book of raps…I write…I already told you that” she said.
you rap and you write your own stuff?” I said still holding the book, I was
afraid that she’d take it away if I gave it back to her, and kick me out.
me see, she said holding her hand out for the book” I stared at her and I think she got what I was trying to say by
doing that because she gave me a glare
not gonna take it and kick you out Aubrey.” So I handed her the book and she
started spitting stuff to me.
“They call me Nicholas
Style defined as ridiculous
I beg your pardon, meet me at the Garden
#1 draft, I'm New York's pick
& I don't lose like them dudes
On the New York Knicks
(Check it)
I'm overseas rockin' hella capris
I'm in the West Indies eatin' delicacies
I tell 'em, they want Kane like Erica?
Brotha your money young like that nigga
These broke rappers always rappin' bout
a pink truck
I'm only happy when I'm hoppin' out the
Brinks truck
And I don't need a 16, I got a sentence
I goes in on a fucker like an entrance
These old bitches better change they
When I get in the game they gon' play
the benches
Fuck your friendship, pay attention
Bitch get at me, I'mma pay my henchmen”
I was in awe…my dream girl was
sitting right across from me. I was just staring, she stopped.
got 2 more verses for that one I’m working on it though…”
was dope as fuck Nicki” She started blushing.
me something…” Oh shit, I was pretty good with freestyles but I wanted it to be
perfect like hers.
I asked hoping she’d say no.
I didn’t do a freestyle…you got something written down?” I reached in my back
pocket and found the piece of paper I had been writing for a while. It never
let my jean pocket while it was in the wash or the dryer so I don’t know what
the hell the words looked like, but I pulled it out and started.
“Lately I don't know about the friends
that I hang with
I'm nervous round my boys, it depends on
their anguish
Depends on if they saving all the tops
on pepsi
With dreams of seeing girls topless on
jet skis
Depends on what they do to achieve that
Robbing r&b singers, 'specially if
they know where the keys at
'specially if they know where they girl
Get the info, leave with ya money man,
thats how the world is
Thats how niggas puttin they dirt down
Streets are seedy I call em sesame
Its earnie and bert's town
'specially when these young'ns get
turned down for work opportunities
Next week same place'll get burnt down
Coincidink? not likely not a chance
How can we be so aware of these problems
and not advance?
At least start put a bid in, its hard just to fit in
A lot of people only play they part when
they spittin
But I don't think that they understood
They using this darkness for penetration
in the hood
I took the ivory way in and yes I'm glad
that keenan could
Not bad meaning bad, but bad meaning
good good good”
dope I guess” she smirked, hinting that she thought hers was better.
really like hanging out with you Nicki…” I started.
is our first time…but yeah, you’re cool and turned out not to be a freaking creep.”
She smiled; she had the most beautiful smile I had ever seen.
better get going”
11:00 at night Drake…”
a big boy, I’ll be fine Nicki, thanks though”
not why I said it…but you’re more than welcome to stay until morning…”
if you’re comfortable” I said being sure.
fine, I’ll get you some blankets then I’m going to bed…we can do more spitting
in the morning…” She brought the blankets out and I laid there on her couch.
Never would I have thought this would be happening…she warmed up so quickly, we
had a connection already and I was confused as to how but I liked it.
When I woke up Nicki was in her
kitchen cooking breakfast and blasting reggae. I walked into the kitchen and
saw her dancing while flipping bacon. She didn’t notice me there but when she
looked up and saw me she smiled.
I loveeeeee reggae” she said putting bacon on the two plates sitting before
here…” I said sitting at her kitchen table which only consisted of 2 chairs so
I guess she didn’t have people over for meals often. I looked at the table and
her book of raps lie there, so I picked it up and started looking through it,
she glared at me but didn’t stop me.
must you be so nosey?” She asked before grabbing the plates and sitting mine
before me and sitting down and pulling hers closer to her.
I looked all the way to the front
and looked at her first couple of raps, I went to page 4 and laid it down and
started reading it she glanced over and looked at what I was reading her eyes
grew wide.
this a bad one…or?” I asked. She shook her head yes.
just reallllllllly bad; it was one of my first so yeah…” she said taking a bite
of her eggs.
I read it out loud:
“I must confess,
I love you like dudes love breasts
They just mad ‘cause when I choose, I
choose the best
I never settle for less,
I must say you got impeccable taste
Flossy, bossy, got a hell of a face
And you? You take the cake
The sex is insane
that’s why I take the pain
And when we finish, watch some Major
With stupid as Damon Wayans
Who in love like us?
That’s why I get out the coupe
And squeeze like 2
Niggas disrespect again
I’ll breathe back through
You know I can’t control my temper
Get buck for you
Fuck with who? Nigga I fucks with you…”
stop reading I hate that rap.” She started giggling and hiding her face in
isn’t bad for it being your first attempt to be like ‘hey, I’m gonna do this’
It’s really not…” I reassured her before taking her hands from her face and
staring into her eyes once again, wondering if I should make the move…I did it,
I kissed her lips and pulled away she broke into a smile.
think I’ll wash the dishes really quick…get in the shower and all that and I
can drive you to the subway…” she said before hoping up and taking our plates
to the sink.
sounds good, I’ll just be over here” I said pointing to the living room before
heading back over there. 10mins later Nicki was walking into her room and
walking back out with a towel and into her bathroom.
15 mins later Nicki was walking into
her bedroom wrapped in the pink towel she carried in her hand out of her room
prior to her shower. She smiled at me and locked her door. 10mins later she
walked out of her bedroom in some khaki colored pants and a tank top and the
same bamboos from yesterday.
to go Drizz?” she asked me, I was confused by the name but I didn’t say
anything, but she could tell by my face.
I’m gonna call you that now, it’s short for Drizzy…I’ll tell you why that’s
your nickname in the near future”
So that meant we would see each
other again. I didn’t wanna burst
with excitement too soon so I just smiled and spoke:
be looking forward to that…”
Once we were at the subway station
she walked me down the steps and stood behind the entrance.
this won’t be the last I see of you Nic Maraj” she smirked at me using the name
she used as her rapping name.
got eachother’s numbers…I’m sure you won’t leave me alone” she joked.
got mad jokes on the other side Nic!” I shouted to her she smiled.
Drake” she said before turning around and starting to walk away. But I shouted
after her.
I’m serious, I’d love to see or hear from you again…”
won’t be…talk to you soon”
CJ, Noah and I sat my mom’s basement
playing video games when I received a call. It had been a week since I was at
Nicki’s. I was happy to hear from her, I wasn’t planning on calling her so soon
because I didn’t wanna seem clingy. I excused himself and walked into my
Nicki’s voice chimed through the phone.
good hearing from you…”
thought you would’ve called me by now” she giggled.
didn’t wanna seem…ya know, clingy” I smiled, knowing she couldn’t see it.
up?” She asked changing the subject.
much, at my place with my friends…” I hadn’t told Nicki much about myself well,
I told her enough but I left out a lot of major details like the fact that I
lived in Toronto…in my mother’s basement.
hangout sometime soon!” Great…guess now would be a good time to tell her I was
only in NY for that week for my father’s show…
have something I should probably tell you…” I trailed off.
is it?” she asked hesitantly.
don’t live in New York…I live in Canada and I was only there for a week while
my father was there doing a couple shows then he flew me back here and…” I
started before getting cut off.
don’t live here but you made an effort to get to know me before you up and
leave?” She asked sternly.
not like we’ll never see each other again Nicki…”
am I supposed to get up to Toronto to see you? How are you supposed to get down
here to NY to see me?”
really don’t wanna lose you…we were beginning to be such great friends…and I
just, I’ll figure something out…we’ll see each other again”
whatever Drake, better hurry up because you’ve kinda just lost me” she said
before hanging up the phone.
Drake and I were starting such a
great friendship…I looked at him as like a little brother since he was a tad
younger than I was…but that nigga just decided to leave out a major detail…WE’D
ONLY BE FRIENDS FOR A WEEK! I mean maybe I’m over exaggerating…we could still
be friends but that’d be a week ass friendship. I don’t even have a fucking
passport yet to get to Canada so how does he expect this to happen properly.
open up, it’s Candice” I walked over to my front door and opened it
up Candi?” I asked her acting like there wasn’t bullshit racking my brain.
wrong?” She asked always knowing when I had stuff on my mind.
asked you what’s up, so what’s up?”
good…you seem like you’ve got shit on your mind so spill.” She said plopping
down on my couch.
okay, you know that boy I met, Drake? Well turns out he wasn’t here for like
good he lives in Canada…”
mean the boy who eased his way into that book that you never let anyone else
see?” she said squinting.
him, he said he’d fly here and I’d fly there every once in a while, but he’s
doing way too much for a friendship…”
he likes you Nic…” she said smiling.
stop I doubt it…I mean I’m not spending money on flights to Canada to see a
“friend” that I barely even know much about…”
could be a good experience…”
don’t have the M O N E Y, Red Lobster waitressing only pays but so much…I’ll
pass. I’ll just focus on jump starting my raping career, because that’s…that’s
what I wanna do”
3 Years Later
3 Years Later
Nic, I really want you to consider signing this thing, I’d love to have you in
the group and on the label…” Lil Wayne said handing Nicki a contract in a
folder that was labeled YMCMB in red
letters. The two walked onto Wayne’s tour bus from his show on his I Am Music
Tour and headed to the hotel.
will Wayne…just give me some time, I’d be honored to be in the group but I
wanna think a little…”
might as well sign the shit now…you already rep us like you wit us forreal”
shutup” Nicki said pushing Wayne and having a seat next to Mack Maine.
Mack” Nicki said smiling up at him.
you smiling for Barbie?” Mack said laughing.
niggas stay playing with me…” Nicki said crossing her arms and rolling her
you playing with that contract and not signing the shit?” Mack said laughing
know what…when are we gonna be at this hotel Wayne?”
another five minutes, I’on fuckin know” He said taking a sip from his Styrofoam
cup and laughing.
When they reached the hotel Nicki
grabbed her bag and headed inside to the front desk where Wayne handed out keys
to everyone. He told them at tomorrow’s show a guy by the name of Drake would
be joining them; he was getting stuff in place first. He also told them another
little boy a little older than Lil Chuckee would be in the group too, just not
participating on the tour by the name of Lil Twist. Nicki got a room alone and
Chuckee roomed with a guy by the name of Tyga.
I don’t know about you niggas but I’m tired Nicki said waving off and heading
for the elevator” She was tired and also kind of worried. She hadn’t heard the
name Drake in years…since she had stopped contacting him all together. She
headed up to her room, bathed and laid in bed.
team” Wayne’s raspy voice projected in the bus as they all gathered in in
destination for their next tour stop. Drake would be joining them before the
headed off onto the highway.
They all said in unison. Just as the all spoke and Wayne took his attention off
them there was a knock at the door, all the voices quieted. Nicki’s heart
started beating faster and faster. What
if that’s Drake? How will he react when he sees me? How will I react when I see
him? How is this all gonna work out smoothly? What if he hates my guts? What if
he doesn’t even remember who I am? Questions began flooding her mind.
Nicki glanced down at her blackberry
and texted her best friend Safaree to distract her from what was going on
before her. Just as she glanced up she heard the door open and Drake walked
through, immediately locking a stare upon her.
he shouted. “Shit” Nicki said under
her breath.
Maraj?” Drake said saying her name again before stepping closer to her. By now
the whole bus was interested in what was going to take place.
hi Drake” Nicki spoke shockingly.
I’d never see you again…considering you cut me off completely…”
don’t have to talk about this right now, I’d rather not talk about this right
Drake said before walking back to the back of the bus to set his bags down.
the hell is Nicki Maraj? I coulda swore Wayne told us your name was Nicki
MINAJ” Chuckee spoke matter-of-factly. Mack smacked him upside his head.
Nicki shouted when she saw him.
alright…my real name is Onika Maraj aka Nicki Maraj. I’ve already told you guys
this…I changed my rapping name to Minaj to catch attention a few years back…”
Nicki explained.
just thought you liked girls or some shit” Chuckee said shrugging and getting
smacked again by Mack. Streetz and Tyga broke out in laughter. Wayne was
speaking with Drake in the back.
you know Nic?” He asked.
was in NY with my dad a few years back…I ran into her and I made and effort to
you know, be her friend or whatever. But I ended up leaving and heading back to
T-Dot and I didn’t tell her nor did I tell her that I didn’t live in New
York…she didn’t take it well because I made such an effort to be her friend
then I up and left”
some complicated shit…y’all gotta find time to talk that out, don’t want it to
affect anyone you know…” Wayne said.
understand…nice seeing you again though” Drake said dapping and hugging Wayne.
same…let’s get this motherfucker moving though, niggas got a show to get to
tomorrow in my hometown!” Wayne shouted walking to the front of the bus. Drake
followed behind him shortly and sat next to Gudda who was a human wall between
him and Nicki who was talking to Gudda as Drake arrived next to them.
“Yo…y’all could be brothers and sisters, you know that?” Jae called from the other side of the bus at Gudda and Nicki.
word?” Nicki said looking at Millz than back at Gudda. Staring him in the face
examining the features, then Gudda spoke. “Yo, we twins or some shit Nic.”
always wanted a twin brother” Nicki joked. Drake laughed which let everyone
know he was there. So, Streetz spoke up.
yellow skin. What’s good with you and Barbie?” Drake seemed to be disturbed a
little by the question. He sat there for a second.
do you mean?” He asked.
what do you mean?” Nicki said chiming in.
little whatever it was earlier when Drizzy walked on the bus” Nicki smiled at
the name Drizzy. She gave me a while ago…he actually kept it a consistent name.
girly over there smiling” Mack said.
not smiling because anything happened between us because nothing did and if
something did it wouldn’t be your business anyways now would it be?” Nicki said
getting smart and smiling.
hella nosey, if you must know Nic and I were friends a while back. She cut me
off though”
did not fucking cut you off! You didn’t tell me you lived all the way in
Toronto before making and effort to get close to me.”
didn’t think it was a big detail in the beginning Nicki…”
didn’t Drake?” Nicki said getting irritated.
have many ways to keep in touch when we’re long distance”
aren’t in a freaking relationship! Why should I?”
if you were so mad about us not being friends you should’ve kept in touch!”
Drake barked.
what the fuck ever Drake, you could’ve UGHHH” Nicki said before getting up and
walking off the bus. Luckily they were at a rest stop. She walked outside and
called TT, one of her best friends.
up Nic?” Tyesha’s voice boomed through the phone.
don’t…I don’t know…” Nicki said before she began speaking fast and ranting into
the phone.
up…what’s going on?” Tyesha said.
you know how I’m on tour with Lil Wayne and Young Money or whatever? Guess who
is here?” Nicki started.
is here! Like of all the places in the world how did he end up with me?”
Drake? Ya boo thing from a few years back, Drake?” Tyesha asked
he’s wasn’t nor will he ever be my ‘boo thing’” Nicki said.
guys need to go talk that stuff out cause you had a good friendship…too good to
let go” Tyesha said.
so good at telling me the truth when it’s not what I wanna hear…”
“Love you Nic” Tyesha laughed.
you too, bye” Nicki said.
Nicki walked back onto the bus and
grabbed her salad out of the fridge and sat down in the booth that was accompanied
by a table. Little did she know all eyes were on her.
she spoke taking a forkful of lettuce to the mouth.
The boys said going back to what they were previously doing.
Nicki said looking up and locking eyes with Drake.
The team shortly arrived at the W
hotel in New Orleans where they’d stay for the night until the show the next
day. Wayne’s manager headed to the front desk and got the room keys, he brought
them back out and handed them out to everyone. Everyone got their own room
except Chuckee who had to room with Drake this time and Shanell who roomed with
Nicki this time. They headed inside the hotel and up to their rooms, each were
on the same floor which made things easier.
Nicki and Shanell were on their way
to their room. They reached the door and Nicki slid in the key and turned the
knob she sat her things down and plopped on the bed. Shanell turned on the TV
and they started getting settled.
was heading to take a shower and asked Nicki something.
Nic, do you mind going to get some ice from the machine while I shower?” she
of course” Nicki grabbed the ice container and headed out the door grabbing a
Nicki was walking down the hallway
when she turned the corner for the ice machine and saw Drake walking out of his
room. He saw her too and started walking towards her.
great.” Nicki said to herself and attempted to turn around but Drake grabbed
her arm.
wait…” He started.
Drake?” Nicki asked.
we just talk? Come here.” Drake said pulling Nicki gently into a near housekeeping
closet. He turned on the light and locked the door.
do you want, what do we possibly need to talk about?” Nicki asked rudely.
Drake started, looking into her eyes.
do you mean US? There is no “US”, we were friends. Not all friendships work
out, what do we need to talk about?” Nicki asked irritated.
didn’t end on good terms…I want us to be cool since we’ll be label mates…I
think we can be good friends again, ya know? I really didn’t think I’d hurt you
by leaving back then.” Drake said.
you didn’t seem like you were into the same thing I wanted out of the
relationship so I didn’t think it’d matter to you if I left and didn’t tell
you, or if I told you I lived in Toronto…”
do you mean the same things out of the ‘relationship’? Sex? I thought I told
you, you’d never get that from me” Nicki said crossing her arms across her
definitely not that. Ugh, I didn’t wanna say this but, I wanted to be with you
girl…ever since I first laid eyes on you. That’s why I made such an effort to
be friends…” Drake said being more and more vulnerable by the second.
bullshit that is Drake.” Nicki said trying to walk out of the closet.
I’m telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Please, I don’t
wanna lose you again. I mean we don’t have to be a couple I get that, I don’t
mind but…I at least wanna be on good terms…I don’t wanna work with someone that
doesn’t want anything to do with me, it’s be awkward. I’m sorry for everything.”
Drake said.
let down her guard and stopped being so stubborn and spoke. “Okay Drake, I
forgive you. And yes, we can be friends.”
Drake beamed.
goodnight” Nicki said turning to leave the closet. Drake sat that for a while
thinking. She doesn’t wanna be with me
but she’ll be friends…this is a good start.
a-May-Zing!!! Yasss, like this was THAT chap. So happy their friends again. You have to post soon!
ReplyDeleteI really Hate blogger. I had his long ass comment but they deleted like 6 timess -__- Fuckers. And now i dont have much to say cause blogger pissed me off.
ReplyDeleteDrake shoulda told Nicki he lived in toronto thoo. Likes that the kinda shit friends tell other friends. But i think they cuda made their long distance friendship work. But atleast their all good now and they friends again. Thanks for postingg. Soorry i didnt say much. .-.