Just another hold overpost while I’m waiting for comments on the “Way more than a Hype Man” :D Myplan is to probably make that into a long short story ._. or even a fic. But I’llonly do it if people read it. In order for me to know people are reading it andlike. I need comments. So I don’t just write if no one is gonna read. Get it? Enjoy!
“Ugh…” saidNicki as she plopped down on her living room couch.
Nicki was a teen. She had justgotten back from working her shift at the office. She moved out of her parents’house in Southside Jamaica Queens when she started making enough money. She wasliving in an apartment in Manhattan. It was pretty late in the evening. Hergirls didn’t live near her for her to call them over she was bored. She went toher window and climbed out and sat on the fire escape. She looked up at theskies then back down. She knew exactly who would be up. She walked up the fireescape to the floor above hers and banged on Drake’s window.
“Auuuuuuubreeeeeeeey”she whispered. She lifted the window and it rose up so she climbed in. Drakewasn’t in his room which means he would have to be up; she popped a squat onhis bed and then fell back onto his pillows smelling his sheets.
“Nika…?”asked Drake as he walked into his room to see Nicki lying on the bed.
“I wasbored. The window was open so I climbed in you didn’t hear me banging?” askedNicki as she sat up.
“Oh, I gottastart closing that, for when people like you decide to break in” he shot her asmile.
“Oh shutup,what are you doing?” she asked.
“Justhanging out…How about you?” asked Drake.
“Nothing, Ijust got home from the office. I’m tired of working if it’s not something Iwanna do” said Nicki frowning.
“Don’t youlike rapping?” asked Drake.
“Yeah…nothingserious yet like you!” said Nicki sticking out her tongue.
“Whatever, I’mbarley even that serious about it. Maybe a record here and there” repliedDrake.
Drakewas about 2 years older than Nicki. Nicki had just finished High School the past year and was19 years old turning 20 in December. Drake had just turned 21 and was trying to jump start his music career. Nickiloved rapping as a hobby but she never really considered giving it a completetry. Drake and Nicki met when Nicki moved into her apartment in Manhattan consideringNicki had quite a few things to carry up to the 8th floor and shecouldn’t do it alone. Drake was walking into the building and found herstruggling with a suitcase and offered to help her with the rest of her stuffalong with some of her family.
“But, I didget asked to be in this group called like Hood Stars or something. I haven’tgiven them any real like okay yet. Still debating…” said Nicki drifting off.
“You shoulddo it…It might be a good experience, you’ve got a real talent” said Drake.
“I mean sodo you, but you’d have a better chance at it than me, especially since you’re aboy” said Nicki grabbing a squishy ball off of Drake desk and then sitting inhis chair spinning in it. She tried getting up and got dizzy from getting uptoo fast and fell. Drake began laughing. Nicki just continued lying on thefloor.
“I don’tlike you…help me up!” screamed Nicki.
“Shhh…I’llhelp you…haha, chill” Drake helped Nicki up and she walked over to Drake’s bed.She laid there in her thoughts Drake laid right next to her the pair looking upat the ceiling. A sudden boom frightened them.
“SHIT”screamed Nicki.
“Relax Nic,it’s just a thunderstorm” said Drake.
“Nooooo, Ihave to get home. I’m not going outside when it’s like that scary stuff happens” said Nicki.
“Um, thereis a hallway Nic” Drake laughed.
“But, I don’thave my key. I wasn’t expecting rain so I just left my window unlocked but keptit closed” said Nicki.
“Well Iguess you could crash here, I’ll make a pallet on the floor and you can takethe bed” said Drake.
“Aw, thanksAubs” said Nicki turning over to Drake and pecking his cheek.
“Anythingfor you Nika” said Drake smiling and turning over to her kissing her forehead.
“But, ohcrap. I don’t have anything to wear to bed” said Nicki frowning.
Drake got up out of the bed andwalked over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of boxers and a big t-shirt ofa Toronto Hockey Team, where Drake was originally from.
“You canwear this” said Drake throwing the stuff at Nicki. She got up and walked toDrake’s bathroom and changed her clothes. She came back out in Drake’s thingsand did a 360 turn holding her weave and posing.
“So…how do Ilook?” asked Nicki making kissy faces.
“You lookcute” said Drake chuckling.
“Why thankyou” said Nicki smiling showing her big pretty pearly whites.
“Well, whatdo you wanna do? Its 9:00” asked Drake.
“Well, I’mtired, but then again I’m not tired. I’m really confused” said Nicki as shelaughed.
“You’reprobably just tired Nicki. Is there anything I could get you? Are you hungry?Or thirsty?” asked Drake.
“Um, can Ihave some water and a snack?” asked Nicki.
“Sure thing,coming right up” said Drake walking towards his bedroom door.
“Waiiiiit, Idon’t need you to wait on me, I’ll come with you and grab it myself” laughedNicki.
Drake began walked out of the room.Nicki hopped off the bed and ran up behind him wrapping her arms around hiswaist and moving her feet the same time he moved his.
“You’re sosilly” laughed Drake.
“Hehehe”laughed Nicki.
“We’ve madeit!” said Drake taking Nicki’s hands from his waist and getting what they camethere for. Nicki grabbed her cup and filled it with water then went throughDrake’s cabinets. She finally found she wanted some pretzels. She couldn’treach them because she was very short and Drake had a tall fridge.
“Draaaaaaake,help me please” said Nicki. Drake picked her up and Nicki grabbed the pretzels.
“Thanks, boo”said Nicki strutting over to get her water than plopping down on Drake’s couch.
“Hey Drake!”shouted Nicki. Drake was still in the kitchen.
“Yeah Nicki”he replied.
“Can we havea movie night? You have the best movies!” said Nicki.
“I mean,sure. What do you wanna watch? Pick it out!” shouted Drake.
Nicki kneelt down in front of Drake’sTV and pulled out the first sliding drawer entitled comedy. She looked through all Drake’s neatlyorganized drawers and pulled out The Best Man.
“Let’s watchthis!” shouted Nicki.
“Oh! Oh andAustin Powers is next” said Nicki as she climbed back up to the couch. Drakeput some popcorn in the microwave and grabbed some blankets. Drake pulled outhis pullout bed from the couch and mad the bed. Nicki had moved to the chairand watched him make the bed. When he was done she climbed back onto the bedand curled up. The microwave announced that the popcorn was done. Drake wentand grabbed the popcorn and laid next to Nicki. The two began to watch themovie a little while into it. Nicki cuddled up into Drake more. She soon begandozing off, Drake soon after her.
The next morning Nicki was stillfast asleep on the couch. It was around 10am. Drake knew Nicki wouldn't beworking a 9-5 this week so he took that as an advantage and made Nickibreakfast. She woke up to the smell of sausages, sunny side up eggs, and Frenchtoast. She curled out of Drake’s bed and walked into the kitchen and hopped onDrake’s counter. Drake peaked out the corner of his eye and saw Nicki sittingthere staring at the food.
“Hey sleepyhead” said Drake.
“Goodmorning,Aubs” replied Nicki with a dimple smile.
“You seem tohave misplaced something” said Drake smiling.
“What do youmean?” asked Nicki.
“Your pants…they’regone” laughed Drake.
“Oh…yeahabout that, I’m not very fond of sleeping in pants I took them off in themiddle of the night. If it makes you uncomfortable I’ll put them back on” saidNicki.
“No, yourfine, I’m here to make you comfortable” Drake said while flipping the egg andfrying the yolk.
“I’m sorry,I wanted to be done before you got up but –” started Drake. Nicki cut him off.
“It’s okayDrake I’ll wait” Nicki hopped off the counter and went to the fridge to pourherself some orange juice. She sat at the table and waited for Drake scrolling through her phone.
“Foods done”shouted Drake from the kitchen about 5mins after Nicki took her seat.
“I’ll comeget it” said Nicki standing up.
“No, I gotit. You can sit down” said Drake smiling as he brought her plate out.
The two ate breakfast and engaged insmall conversation. Nicki had to get ready for work soon. She helped Drake washthe dishes then headed back into Drake’s room he followed behind her.
“Thanks for keepingme company last night” Drake winked.
“Thank youfor letting me crash here” said Nicki.
“No problem,mi casa es su casa” smiled Drake
Nicki grabbed her things and headedover to Drake’s window. Pulled it up while holding onto her t-shirt she climbedout the window. “Don’t peak!” she squealed. Drake turned around walking out ofhis room laughing. “See ya later Nic” he yelled.
“See youlater Aubrey” she shut the window and headed down the fire escape to her home. Shehad to be at the office at 12 o’clock.
She gazedinto space trapped in her thoughts while standing at her closet.
Can’t wait til I get a job doingsomething I actually enjoy. Nicki looked at the paper sitting on her nightstand, grabbed it and read it again.
“HOOD STARS is a newgroup being put together. I’d love if you joined us Mrs. Onika Maraj. It’d be agreat honor to have your skill as a great addition to our group. We don’t havea female yet. We’ve heard great things about you. Call us at 555-0101-0234 to put in anapplication”
Nicki grabbed her phone off her bedand called them up. She put in an application then began getting ready forwork. She showered trapped in her thoughts of pursing this whole rap thing likeDrake told her. She truly wasn’t happy with her job as an office manager but itbrought home the cash she needed. She put on a pencil skirt knee length andshort sleeve button up, heels and left for the subway. She sat quietly on thesubway trapped in her thoughts. It was her stop; Nicki walked up to thebuilding and began her shift.
Nicki walked out of the building around 8 she started walkingfor the subway when she heard someone call her name.
“Nika” thefamiliar voice shouted. Nicki began to get a little scared. She walked fastertowards the subway.
“NICKI”shouted the familiar voice. She couldn’t quite put her tongue on it.
The stranger finally got out of thecar and walked over to her. She jumped and got scared; she turned around to seethat it was Drake.
“I’m sorry,I didn’t mean to startle you but what are you doing when you get home?” askedDrake.
“Going totake me a damn shower, fix me a movie dinner and go to sleep. Why?” she asked.
“Let…let metake you out to dinner” offered Drake. He’d wanted to take Nicki on a date fora while. He had a crush on her but he always played it differently and hid itwhen he was around her. He grew tired of hiding his feelings. He was gonna askher out.
“Drake……I’dlove to, you know I would but I really wanna go home and sleep right now” saidNicki tilting her head and pouting.
“Listen, letme just take you to dinner and I’ll take you home and you can do 2/3 of thethings you just told me you wanted to do” said Drake smiling.
“Oh…okayDrake, I guess we could. Where are we gonna go eat?” asked Nicki.
“OliveGarden, I’m craving a little Italian and some wine since I’m officially of age todo it in public” said Drake with a dry chuckle.
“Well,considering I’m not of age until December I’ll go with some sprite” said Nickismiling as she walked to Drake’s car but her bag in the back grabbing herhoodie and pulling It over her work clothes as the 2 drove off on the chillyNovember evening.
Like I said, just another hold over post. You're 3 comments away from getting the rest of Way More Than A Hype Man that MAY get turned into a fic if you like the second part. If you don't no hard feelings :) I'm taking a break from sexual things in these post also ^_^ It's weird for me to write it. Don't ask me how I do it without experience cause Idk. But since we're on the topic of Dricki, I have a fourth part to Take It To The House, should I post it!? COMMENT!
Like I said, just another hold over post. You're 3 comments away from getting the rest of Way More Than A Hype Man that MAY get turned into a fic if you like the second part. If you don't no hard feelings :) I'm taking a break from sexual things in these post also ^_^ It's weird for me to write it. Don't ask me how I do it without experience cause Idk. But since we're on the topic of Dricki, I have a fourth part to Take It To The House, should I post it!? COMMENT!
I reallyy really like this one yhu shud Doo anotheR part to it! :D er make it a short Story, :)