This post may be a little sad. I love
Young Forever so I got inspired a little. I know Safaree wasn’t Nicki’s first
love but I can’t think of any names so I’m using his middle one, lmao. I’ve
been in such a writing mood lately and I have mad ideas in my head I just
thought I’d write them out. Enjoy.
Onika and her boyfriend were very
young. Only 17, but she knew that since they began dating she was gonna be with
him forever. They walked to school together each morning and took the subway to
Times Square for lunch each afternoon after school; he always paid for her
because Onika was always getting fired from several Red Lobsters around the NYC
area. They both went to LaGuardia and Onika majored in acting while her
boyfriend majored in singing. They both had major talent in what they did. Her
boyfriend wasn’t an actor but they moth partook in plays since singing was a big
part of the plays they did. Onika and he were the lead of a play before. That’s
when Onika finally showed everyone she was more than an actor since she did
horribly at her singing audition to enter the school because she was horse.
One day, Onika and her boyfriend
were walking from school to the subway.
“Can you
believe it’s almost been 2 years we’ve been together?” said Onika smiling as she
held onto Lloyd’s arm.
“Yep, I’m
taking you out somewhere special tomorrow since it’s our 2 year anniversary”
said Lloyd.
“Aw, babe
you don’t have to do that. I just wanna spend time with you”
“Well, I
wanna do it”
floats your boat butter cup” Onika reached up and gave him a kiss, the couple
walked down the stairs and then eventually onto the subway. They sat in the far
end of the subway waiting to arrive at their destination in Times Square.
“Can we go
to Bubba Gump?” asked Onika.
“The view from
that restaurant is amaaaaaaazing” said Onika sighing.
for you Onika” he kissed her hand and held it. The subway stopped signaling
they had arrived in Times Square.
They couple maneuvered through Times
Square Onika latched onto Lloyd considering how small she was and tall he was
her head ended up just below his armpit. They arrived at Bubba Gump and there
wasn’t a wait so they headed in. They ordered drinks and awaited the waitress’
return so they could order food.
“What are
you gonna get?” asked Lloyd.
probably get some chicken tenders and fries” replied Onika while looking at the
“It’s cute
how you eat childlike food” laughed Lloyd.
“I am still
very young” said Onika sticking out her tongue and squinting her eyes while
hiding behind her menu and peaking up.
The waitress arrived back at the table with the drinks and
took their orders. The couple sat waiting for the food to arrive. Onika asked
for a kids menu to pass the time. She also did a little homework. The food
arrived shortly and the couple began eating.
“So, are you
gonna be in the new play?” asked Onika biting a fry and solving a math problem.
“I want to,
I’m not sure. What would I be?” said Lloyd with a dry chuckle.
“Oh, yeah,
it’s Wizard of Oz, you can be the Wizard” laughed Onika.
“What are
you gonna try out for?”
thinking Dorothy…If not then maybe a munchkin that has a lot of lines…” said
Onika eating some more of her food.
“Well, I
think you should go with munchkin you have the height for it”
Onika shot
him a look. “Whatever, you should really try out though” said Onika.
“I don’t
know Onika; you know theater is your thing. I’m more of a singer”
“But, you
can act too! I’m more of an actor but I love singing as a second way of
expressing myself besides rap” said Onika.
“Well, we’ll
talk about it later, okay, let’s get you home”
The two left the check on the table
with a $5 dollar tip and headed for the subway once again. They soon arrive to
Southside Jamaica Queens. Lloyd walked Onika to her house. It was now around
4:30pm. They got out of school at 2:00. Lloyd told Onika to call him later and Onika
nodded. She pecked his lips and headed into her chaotic house. Micaiah was
wobbling around the house and Jelani was upstairs in his room as usual. Onika
walked into the kitchen to find her mom scrambling around getting ready for
work. Her father wasn’t to be found which was typical for her. He was probably
out somewhere trying to find some drugs.
“Hi Ma”
Onika kissed her mom’s cheek and took a seat at the kitchen table.
“Hi, Nicki”
she grabbed her keys and things for work and headed to the closet to grab her
“You and
Jelani make dinner. I’ll be home a little bit later tonight, okay?” asked
“Yeah Ma”
Onika replied. Her mother usually worked 3 to 10 but this week they’ve allowed
her to stay home then called her in at the last minute which meant if she
wanted the money, she had to work the same amount of hours she usually worked.
Onika popped a squat on the couch
and flipped through channels. She got bored and walked upstairs and started
banging on Jelani’s door.
DOOR UGLY” said Onika banging.
Jelani opened
the door then stared into Onika’s eyes. “What do you want?”
“Ma said we
have to make dinner, I could do it myself but –” Jelani shut his door after he
heard her say she could do it herself.
OPEN THIS GOT DAMN DOOR” Jelani then opened the door again.
“You just
said you’d cook by yourself, fuck you still at my door for?” asked Jelani.
“Why are you
being such a dick today? Ma said for you to help me. So freaking get your ass
downstairs and help me cook this spaghetti. Jelani shut the door again. Grabbed
a shirt and put it on, opened the door to see Onika still standing there
“After you,
Sir Dick” said Onika as she held out her hand signaling him to go first.
The siblings began cooking the
dinner. Micaiah was sleeping on the couch. They soon finished and began eating.
After they ate they washed the dishes and Onika went upstairs to shower. She
came out got dressed and headed downstairs to see Jelani and Micaiah on the
couch. They were watching TV when they heard a banging on the door. They knew
it was their fathers knock, he didn’t have a key. This was the 7th
time they’ve moved to get away from him. They never had any luck.
probably Dad…” said Onika.
She got up an answered the door. Her dad greeted them with a
smile. He was very calm; he was calmer high than he was drunk. He hadn’t been
drinking yet but the kids sensed it when he headed straight for the kitchen
when he headed in the door. He grabbed a bear and crashed on to couch. By this
time Onika had already headed upstairs and locked herself in her room and began
writing. Jelani had taken Micaiah with him. Robert [their father] was pretty
calm considering he only had one bottle. By the time there mother reached home
12:00am. The kids were all sleeping, and their father had crashed on the couch.
Carol tip-toed upstairs to her bedroom and put on her night clothes and went to
bed. It had been a lucky night.
The next morning Onika dressed and got ready for school. She
wanted to dress up a little considering it was the day of she and Lloyds 2 year
anniversary. She ended up wearing a gorgeous pink blouse and some khaki pants
with a pair of white flats and white accessories. She straightened her long
black hair and then grabbed her book bag and headed downstairs. She grabbed a
bagel and went outside to see Lloyd standing there. The couple linked hands and
walked to school. On the way, the hit a bit of a jam, as the couple walked
through the alley as a shortcut they usually take and was pretty safe. A few of
Lloyd’s old friends that despised him now showed up behind him. One of them had
a gun and fired it in the air. It startled Nicki and she clanged onto him.
Lloyd’s old friends had always been jealous of him and Nicki’s relationship.
They wanted to get Lloyd out of the picture. Lloyd whispered to Onika.
“Onika get
out of here…”
“No…I’m not
gonna leave you”
worry about me. I want you to stay safe” Onika sighed; she knew she would be
losing this battle. Lloyd was very protective of Onika. Onika let go of Lloyds
arm and left the alley the way they would exit and hid behind a wall watching
everything that was happening. The boys all talked for a little. Then they
began jumping Lloyd. Onika sat behind the wall staring, tears began to fall.
She saw Lloyd get up and head for the end of the alley to head to school. The
boy with the gun wanted to signal they had won a fight. Instead of firing the
gun in the air like he did when they started the altercation one of his friends
hit his shoulder in congratulations and he already had his hand on the trigger.
The gun fired and shot Lloyd right in his back. It went through his stomach and
out onto the street on the other side. When Onika heard the gun shot she
quickly looked over the brick wall she was hiding behind and saw the boys
running and Lloyd laying on the ground. She began to silently weep. She called
the ambulance and they got there in not time. She sat weeping on the street
holding onto the spot of blood on his chest while waiting. She felt his heart
stop beating. When the ambulance came they basically said there was no hope for
Lloyd. They’d take him to run some test but he had lots to much blood and his
heart wasn’t in good condition. Onika couldn’t go to school under these
conditions. She began walking to the subway and grabbed a seat she just road.
She never got off someone noticed this when he got on to go to school and got
on to go home from school. He finally went and talked to Onika. He sat next to
“Hi…” he
said slowly.
“H-i-i” said
Onika as her voice cracked
“Do you plan
on getting off the train” he gave a dry chuckle.
“Do you plan
on telling me why you’re talking to me instead of being a dickhead?” asked
“Look, I’m
sorry. I’m just concerned…why haven’t you gotten off the train yet?” he asked.
“I’m having
a horrible day. I couldn’t go home. I couldn’t go to school. I came here” said
“Why are you
having a horrible day?” asked the boy.
“My boyfriend
died right in front of me, I sat there holding his chest as blood gushed out of
him by the second” said Nicki never looking up. She began crying, her sobs grew
“Wow…uh, I’m
so sorry to hear that” said the boy.
“On top of
that, today was our 2 year anniversary…It was supposed to be perfect. I thought
we’d be together forever…” Onika wasn’t one to show her emotions to a complete
stranger but she was at a vulnerable state.
“Whoa, I don’t
know what I’d do…I do know what I’m gonna do right now though” he wrapped his
arms around Onika’s tiny frame. She saw this as him trying to take advantage of
her rather than comfort her.
“Wait, get
off. Get off, get off, why are you doing this? What do you want from me?” asked
a defensive Onika.
“I’m not
trying to get anything out of this. I can see you need some comfort and a
shoulder to cry on, I’ll be that. It’s just part of my character” answered the
“Well, here
I am confessing my feelings to some boy I don’t even know anything about or the
age of” said Onika sitting up and staring out the subway window to the dark
undergrounds of NY.
starters, my name is Safaree; I’m trying to get people to call me Scaff Beezy,
but that’s not looking to hot. I just turned 19 years old. I have a big ass
head, and I go to a public school in Brooklyn but I ride the subway out to
Queens…” he began.
Onika cut
in. “I live in Queens, I’ve never seen nor heard of you”
“I didn’t
get to finish…I ride the subway out and head to my friend Rex’s house, so I’m
inside, plus I don’t live there my name isn’t common around those streets, tell
me about yourself” said Safaree.
“Well, my
name is Onika: I get a mixture of nicknames between things like Nika and Nic or
Nicki. My major is theater at LaGuardia High School. I live with my parents and
2 brothers. I live in Southside Jamaica Queens”
“Well, Miss
Onika of Southside Jamaica Queens, would you mind getting off this subway and
allowing me to walk you home?” asked Safaree.
“I hope you’re
not trying to do something…Like take advantage of me. I’m not a vulnerable
person. I’m just like this now because of what happened to be prior to spending
the day on this train”
“I’m not
trying anything; I thought we were already over this. I’m not like that”
responded Safaree.
“Hmmm, I do
need someone to take me home considering…” Onika couldn’t finish her statement.
Every time Lloyd popped into her head knots grew in her stomach. She began
crying again. Safaree hugged and comforted her until they got the stop that
took them to Queens.
“I’m sorry…It’s
need to explain yourself, you’re going through something I understand” said
“Thank you…”
Onika had stopped crying. She lay there in Safaree’s arms. The subway came to a
stop at Queens. The two got out and walked. Onika walked up the steps first and
Safaree not far behind. She got out of the station and walked the streets of
Queens. Onika had to first make a stop at Lloyd’s parents’ house to share the
news. They had already found out. The ER had already contacted them. Onika
shared a set of tears with them. She told them to be strong and she would try
to be strong too. They shared news for a funeral set for next Friday, Onika
agreed. She walked back outside to find Safaree. They began walking and they
ended up at her house. Onika stopped at her doorstep.
“Thank you…”
said Onika.
for a beautiful girl with a good heart…” said Safaree.
“Onika…I uh,
I think this shouldn’t be the last time we see each other…” started Safaree.
“Me either…I
you’re an amazing person from what I saw today. I’d love to get to know you
more” said Onika…
“Me too…say
we meet in the same place tomorrow? I’d love to take you out to lunch to get to
know you more”
as friends though right? I don’t wanna even think of another relationship right
now. I’m still not okay…” Onika began tearing up again. She wiped them as
quickly as they came out and walked inside her house. She came back out with a
pen and paper. She jotted down her name and number.
“Here’s my
number Safaree…sorry we met at such a bad start. But you’re cool, I think this
could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship” said Onika trying to force a
“Sounds good…Onika,
see you tomorrow?”
“Just call
me and tell me when, maybe I’ll be a little better” said Onika.
Safaree then was on his way to his friend’s house. Onika walked into her house
ready to hear her mother’s mouth. She didn’t say a word. She rushed down the
steps and over to Onika with open arms. Lloyd’s parents had called her to tell
her not to be upset with Onika for missing school.
not mad?” asked Onika.
“No baby,
you’re hurting. I understand. You’re fine, I have dinner ready, eat when you
please” Onika thanked her mother and walked up to her room to call Thembi and
Tyesha. They too had already heard the news. The girls stayed on the phone for
hours as Onika explained her day. The phone call ended with Nicki feeling a
little bit better. They reassured her things would turn out better. After all everything
happens for a reason.

I think she met Safaree on that day for a reason..That he was there for her right when he needed her.I like this one too I want to know what happens